Wake Forest, NC – Basic Handgun Class September 14, 2024


Sep 14, 2024
07:00 am - 04:00 pm
Wake Forest Masonic Lodge | 220 Wait Ave, Wake Forest, NC 27587
50 rounds of Ammunition, Eye protection, Ear protection

10 in stock



North Carolina Basic Handgun Class—

You don’t need to be a veteran, seasoned game hunter, a risk seeker to sign up for our Basic Handgun course.

We show you how to address your fear of guns that are holding you back from experiencing the fun and sports of firearms. STOP worrying about what others think about you if you sign up for a gun course. Learn the basics of handling and becoming proficient with a handgun to protect yourself and others in the sanctity of your home. We remove the stress, anxiety, and fear of learning how to safely and accurately shoot. From first-timers to those that grew up around guns their whole life will learn from this class.

Leave your fears in the rear!

We’ll make sure to teach you how to safely handle, clean, and shoot a gun all in a relaxed atmosphere, with experienced firearm teachers that will guide you, help diminish your fear of guns. We teach our classes using a variety of visual aids to increase your learning potential. Our classes end with a fun and exciting, fast-paced game where you can win a FREE firearm course, discount coupon codes, or a valuable surprise. You will never leave any of our firearms classes empty-handed. All our students get a gift, which is our way of saying thanks for taking the leap of faith and allowing Visual Learn to kick-start your journey into firearms.

The Basic Handgun is a class for beginners and those that have not been to a shooting range or shot a handgun in years. Our Basic Handgun class, even though the title has the word “Basic” this course covers more handgun topics, drills and handgun information than is taught in the North Carolina Conceal Carry. We highly recommend you take the Basic Handgun class because it fills the gap with everything you will not learn in the North Carolina Conceal Carry class. Many of our conceal carry students and those of fellow instructors know the majority of students take the shortcut and sign up for the North Carolina Conceal Carry class to obtain the conceal carry license and don’t own a handgun or a holster before attending our classes. The Basic Handgun class will put you leaps and bound ahead of other students, your friends, family members that simply take the North Carolina Conceal Carry class and have never taken the Basic Handgun class that Visual Learn offers.

What should you expect from the Basic Handgun class?

1. Universal Rules of Gun Safety

2. Handgun Selection

3. Semi-automatic vs Revolvers

4. Ammunition and Gun Storage

5. Basic & Advanced Skills

6. Defensive Shooting Fundamentals

7. Gears & Gadgets

8. Handling Shooting Malfunctions

9. Range Etiquette and Range Commands

10. Shooting Proficiency Examination


When you sign up for this class today, you will immediately receive a coupon pack valued at $185. Coupons provide discounts up to $25 on various industry-proven products that you will probably need, anyway. Products include Gun law books and videos, training pistols, holsters, gun cleaning products, gun safes and cases, training tools, hearing protection, and more. Click here for more details.

How Do You Register For the Class:

We require pre-registration for our classes. Please click the “Add to the Cart” button above to make your payment or call us to register over the phone.


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