Jose Morales
Instructor Bio
Jose has 6 years experience teaching firearms courses, his business name is Visual Learn. Jose holds various important certifications from nationally recognized firearms training organizations such as an NRA certified Instructor, USCCA certified Instructor, certified Instructor, and North Carolina Conceal Carry instructor certified by the North Carolina Justice Academy. Jose’s has vast experience teaching in formal academic institutions, he has 17 years of teaching experience at the college level. Jose is not a complacent firearms instructor, each year since 2021 Jose has attended and acquired advanced firearms training. Attended the 3-day Defensive Handgun class by Spartran Tactical, in 2022 Jose attend the 2-day Master Blade Concepts training by world famous knife defensive expert Michael Janich. In 2023 he took the MAG20 course in Virginia from the legendary Massad Ayoob. Jose’s developed a very successful firearms training business, and self-taught himself to create the Visual Learn website from scratch. Jose has built a strong social media following and has written several blog articles that have been posted on the Internet by very large gun-related websites.