Santa Fe, NM – Concealed Carry Class July 28, 2024


Jul 27, 2024 - Jul 28, 2024
08:00 am - 04:00 pm
David Beaty – New Mexico Pistol Range | 1314 Rufina Circle suite 2, Santa Fe, New Mexico

9 in stock



About the Santa Fe, New Mexico CCW Class:

The class will consist of 15 hours of classroom instruction and firing range time. You must attend the entire gun permit class to receive a certificate which must be submitted to DPS as part of your application. There is a 25 round handgun competency test that must be achieved to qualify for a certificate. This is a bare minimum and you are responsible to obtain and maintain proficiency with the firearm you intend to carry.

Topics covered in the course include:

  • Basic Firearms Safety
  • Understanding the Criminal Mindset
  • Combatting Fear in a Life Threatening Situation
  • Strategies for Personal Security Inside and Outside the Home
  • Non-lethal Force Options for Self Defense
  • Understanding the Criminal/Civil Justice System
  • Justification for the use of Physical or Lethal Force
  • What constitutes “Self Defense” when using a firearm?
  • Where you can legally carry a firearm concealed and/or open in New Mexico
  • Handling contact with law Enforcement while carrying a firearm
  • Interstate Travel with Firearms and Reciprocity

Range fees are included.

*Military and Veteran discount available for those actively serving or honorably discharged from the US Military. Please contact us via phone or email to receive your military discount.

*If you have any special needs please contact the instructor to make arrangements in advance so we can be sure to accommodate you.


When you sign up for this class today you will immediately receive a coupon pack valued at $185. Coupons provide discounts up to $25 on various industry proven products that you will probably need anyway. Products include: Gun law books and videos, training pistols, holsters, gun cleaning products, gun safes and cases, training tools, hearing protection, and more. Click here for more details.

About the Concealed Carry Instructor:

David is trained in the following disciplines: handgun, carbine, Kalashnikov Rifle Gunfighting, Trauma Medicine, Force on Force, Point Shooting Progressions, Terrorist/Active Shooter, Pistol Gunfighting, Sniper, High Risk Operator, Target Focus Training, Advanced Rifle Gunfighting and Combat Focused Shooting.

How Do You Register For the Class:

We require pre-registration for our classes. Please click the “Add to the Cart” button above to make your payment or call us to register over the phone. If you do not have a firearm, you can rent one from us for an extra $15 so please be prepared for the class when you show up with either your firearm or the $15 fee.

Where is the Class Located?:

After your registration is complete you will receive an email with your receipt and the exact address and other class information. We do not publish the exact address online because many of our instructors teach most classes out of their own homes.

How Do I Apply For My CCW License After the Class?

After the class, you will walk out with a class completion certificate signed by the instructor. From there you just need to visit your county sheriff’s office and apply. Don’t worry. We’ll give you detailed instructions and set you up before you leave the class.


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